11 - 13 years - in your own home
11 - 13 years - in your own home
Teens are often more comfortable in their own space and with a group of their friends. Hosting a workshop in your own home allows your teen to feel safe and is especially good for those who are socially more reserved than their peers.
In this workshop your daughter will learn that her body is unique, it is her own, and it is powerful. This will lay the foundations for a healthy and loving attitude towards both her own body and her emerging sexuality.
We will cover the most up to date anatomy with an emphasis on pleasure anatomy (rather than reproductive anatomy - this is important as traditional sex ed fails our daughters by leaving this out).
We will focus on diversity and on celebrating our differences. We will look at the effects of the media (social media, pop culture) on our own perceptions. We will discuss what consent really means when it comes to body automony and peer pressure and roleplay healthy assertive communication of our consent and non consent.
This will be a fun workshop with beautiful educational resources, plenty of time for small group discussions and anonymous Q and A. This is also the first of a series of workshops that will build upon the foundations laid in this initial workshop.
Workshops are three hours and can be held in a week day afternoon 3:30 - 6:30 or in daytime at the weekend.
Minimum participants 4. Max 8 $115 per person
Please ensure you have an enclosed space without the distractions of siblings, pets or parents.